Saturday, September 17, 2011

The start of a new life.

Hello this is Menroko.

Today i'm launching my new blog. Which you all ready know name (if not Gundamiku).
If you wondering why is there only one 'M', it's because it has a hidden meaning (if your a Filipino, you might find it)

Okay this blog will be about Gunpla (Mostly), figures (If i can afford it) and my daily life as a Otaku.
Well i not really rich or anything, so don't expect reviews often. Also i will have some segment on my blog, Like Random-Rants, which where i talk about the things that annoy or make me burst in to flames.

So that it, i'll see you tomorrow where i'll post about the rules(yes there will be rules here, nothing like sheldon from Big Bang Theory).

So this is Menroko signing out~

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