Sunday, September 18, 2011

Le Rules!

Okay I know what your thinking, "why the hell this blog has rule and shit?".
It's because I don't want any morons on my blog  or how not to be a jackass of some sort.
well the rule are simple, and not that many(thou i might add some in the future).

Rule 1: No spam of any kind of stuff (of course you already know this but i'm aiming at this to people who post non-sense or unrelated shit on my blog).

Rule 2: You can use bad language, but not for arguing in my blog or do awful 'mom jokes' to someone. For example: "damn that piece was a tight fit." "No your mom was a tight fit last night"

Rule 3: No posting in other language but ENGLISH! (I know this is kinda racist, but i'm only implying this so people who can only understand English can comprehend what your saying.)

well that's all i can think of for now.
anywhore i will post tomorrow my first gunpla review (and only gunpla i have).
so this is menroko signing out~

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