Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Best of Anime 2012/09/15 day 1

Best of Anime 2012, sept 15. Day 1
The aftermath of the event, and yes the sideswipe is my only haul I got. (And yes I will review it sometime)
Okay I got to admit I'm slacking on this blog, but that doesn't mean I'm not doing anything.
Before we proceed, I'll explain why i'm not active lately.
1. My camera runs on 4 AA batteries,I have rechargeable ones but they broke the exact day after the cosplay event at Robinsons. So I had to buy a 2nd hand one to continue doing this. (And if your wondering what camera is it, it's a Lumix DMC-FX33)
2. I now have a GF and I love her so much that I forget about this blog from time to time. and she cosplays too!
And lastly 3. I've been thinking on moving to Video reviews, but I'm still thinking how will I combine my blog and a YouTube channel in one package.

anyway without further delay, here is my first Big cosplay/anime event.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Cosplay @ Robinsons 2012


I was at Robinson angeles city yesterday to take part on my first cosplay event, even though i didn't cosplay.
i don't know maybe next time i'll cosplay.......  Gundam Ez8?
anyway done with the yapping, on to the photos!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Back with gunpla vengeance

gunpla loot!

After being dormant for 7 months i'm finally back to blogging
not only that i got some gunpla kits to review and  a cosplay event cover!
Oh it's good to be back!

So this is menroko signing out~